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Amazon's Last 10 Case Comments:
Test & hi
Posted: 10/15/2013 2:32:04 PM
Total Case Comments: 4
Total Followers: 1
You can use the comments sections as your personal journal and document your progress or experience (fingerprints, medical, interview, etc). When you add a comment, you will automatically be added to followers list. Anyone can follow or unfollow case anytime. Everyone who is following this case will get an email when (a) case is updated (above) and (b) new comments are posted. You can post as many comments as you like (maximum 5000 characters per comment).
Posted: 10/15/2013 2:35:07 PM
Total Case Comments: 4
Total Followers: 1
You can use the comments sections as your personal journal and document your progress or experience (fingerprints, medical, interview, etc). When you add a comment, you will automatically be added to followers list. Anyone can follow or unfollow case anytime. Everyone who is following this case will get an email when (a) case is updated (above) and (b) new comments are posted. You can post as many comments as you like (maximum 5000 characters per comment).
Posted: 10/15/2013 2:57:22 PM
Total Case Comments: 4
Total Followers: 1
Hi Please see this
Posted: 10/15/2013 3:05:44 PM
Total Case Comments: 4
Total Followers: 1
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