GC Tracker -
Employment Based I-485
User | Comments | Priority Date | Prefer ence | Country | Total Appli cants | Service Center | I-485 Status | Application Filed Date | USCIS Receipt Date | USCIS Notice Date | Receipt Number | I-140/I-485 Concurrent | FP Location | FP Notice Date | FP Scheduled Date | FP Completed Date | FP Early Walk In | EAD/AP Approved Date | EAD/AP Received Date | Case Transferred To | Case Transferred Date | Interview Notice Date | Interview Date | Interview Location | I-485 Approved/ Denied Date | EAD/AP Processing Time | FP Processing Time | I-485 Processing Time | GC Production Ordered Date | GC Received Date | Most Recent LUD | RFE Rece ived? | RFE Received Date | RFE Replied Date | Comments/Notes | Case Added | Last Updated |
Prig | 0 comments | 07/06/2022 | EB1B | India | 1 | Texas | Pending | 08/19/2022 | 08/19/2022 | 08/31/2022 | MSC2290708*** | Separate | | | | 09/22/2022 | | | | NBC | | | | | | 840+ Days | 34 Days | 840+ Days | | | | No | | | | 01/05/2023 | 01/05/2023 |
Noaoala | 0 comments | 07/07/2021 | EB1B | India | 3 | Nebraska | Pending | 09/13/2021 | 09/14/2021 | 09/19/2021 | MSC2191716*** | Separate | Nashville | | | 10/22/2021 | No | | | Nebraska | 10/22/2021 | | | | | 1180+ Days | 39 Days | 1180+ Days | | | | No | | | | 12/03/2021 | 12/03/2021 |
(Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 cases).
Dates above are in MM/DD/YYYY format. Please click on username to view complete case detail.