How to disable AdBlock on MyGCVisa

MyGCVisa is an ad-supported site. We would like to request you to turn off ad blockers when reading MyGCVisa to support us in bringing latest news to cool readers like you. Please see below on how to turn off AdBlock for the four most commonly used browsers. You only have to do this once for each browser with Adblock installed.


  1. Go to and click on the AdBlock icon on the top right of your browser.
  2. Click on "Enabled on this site". Once you click on that link, it will say "Disabled on this site".
  3. (Optional Step) If you do not see "Enabled on this site" option in step 2 above, then (a) click on "Don't run on pages on this domain" and (b) then click "Exclude" on the pop up that appears.
  4. Refresh the MyGCVisa pages you have currently opened.


  1. Go to and click on the AdBlock icon on the top right of your browser.
  2. Click "Disable on". Once clicked, a checkmark will appear besides "Disable on"
  3. (Optional Step) If a pop up appears, please click “Exclude” on that pop up.
  4. Refresh the MyGCVisa pages you have currently opened.


  1. Go to and click on the AdBlock icon on the top left of the browser.
  2. Click “Don’t run on pages on this domain”.
  3. Click “Exclude” on the pop up that appears.
  4. Refresh the MyGCVisa pages you have currently opened.


  1. Go to and click on the AdBlock icon (blue shield icon) located on the top right of your browser.
  2. Look for a slider with words "Ads are blocked on this site".
  3. Move the slider from right to left. The color should change from blue to white and it should say "Ads are displayed on this site".
  4. Refresh the MyGCVisa pages you have currently opened.


  • If you do not see the AdBlock icon, then from top of browser click on Tools > Adblock Plus > Disable on
  • In case you do not see the "Tools" option on top of your browser, click "ALT" key on your keyboard.
  • If your browser is not listed here or you are using a mobile app, please search Google for "How to unblock ad for <app name>"
  • Instead of Adblock, you may have other ad blocking software installed such as uBlock. The steps should be similar to ones listed above: (a) locate ad block icon and (b) manually disable for each site you want.
  • Here is a much larger view for AdBlock icon:
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